
Nock #1 Kickstarter Special Edition

Created by Adam Barnhardt

A dark, gritty tale of one man's powerless journey through a superpower-filled world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Funding received and more
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 10:50:16 AM

Wanted to drop a quick note with some updates. Funding has arrived at Meltdown HQ, so we're hard at work getting this comic printed! So far this morning, we've ordered samples of each of the covers, and have sent our BackerKit set up off for approval. By the end of the day, we'll have the bookmarks ordered as well, something EACH PHYSICAL backer will receive with their comics.

What's to come:

  • Once BackerKit approves our surveys and store, we'll be launching a pre-order store. This will be your chance to add-on books you might've missed, or something you didn't see the first time.
  • Throughout this week, we'll also be sending out surveys that you need to fill out. This is how we'll know where to send your digital files, and how you'll be able to pay for shipping so that you can get your book at the most accurate shipping rates possible.

Our pre-order store will be open until, and surveys will be due, Monday, April 29th. This gives you the better part of two weeks to answer the surveys and ensure timely delivery. Although your book will still be printed if you don't answer by the end of the day on April 29th, it will be held at Meltdown HQ until shipping is paid and your shipping address is logged.

As always, if you have any questions about the process whatsoever, feel free to message me through Kickstarter, or reach out to Team Meltdown through [email protected]

Nock's coming to life...what next?
7 months ago – Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 11:31:24 AM

Thanks to ALL of you, the NOCK #1 SPECIAL EDITION is coming to life! The campaign deadline officially passed last night and we met our funding goal, meaning we'll be putting this comic together and getting it sent off into print in the next few weeks.

So...what's next?

Nock #1 is, by and large, already complete. The only thing not done yet is the new Amonson short story, which Samir will be starting on this week. Once that's done, it'll be colored by our friend Henry, who's already colored the first page you can see below.

Then I'll be working on the TTRPG character sheets and we'll be ready to send everything off to print! The bookmarks all physical backers will receive are already ready to go to print, and that takes care of everything content-wise.

As for the nitty-gritty, here's the general timeline of what's going to go on behind the scenes:

  • Approximately Friday, April 5th: if you have an errored pledge, you have until here to fix your card. Kickstarter should be e-mailing you to remind you every few days, but if you don't fix it, your pledge will eventually be dropped.
  • Approximately Friday, April 12th: Kickstarter distributes funding. Campaign funds should be sent to Meltdown Press HQ on or around this date, putting us in prime shape to get everything ordered and in to fulfill.
  • Week of April 15th: We'll be distributing all of the surveys over the span of this week. This is where you'll be able to add any additional add-ons you may have missed, and this is where you'll also be charged for shipping. There's only one pledge level that will require a choice in covers, but every other level the survey will be painless. You'll get an e-mail from BackerKit, you click the button in your email, you fill out your shipping info and pay for shipping.
  • Monday, April 29th: Survey deadline. Since our surveys are incredibly easy to fill out, we're only giving about 10 days for to get them complete. While your book will still be safe at Meltdown Press HQ, we're unable 
  • Approximately Tuesday, April 30th: off to print! All our books will be sent off to print here, and once they arrive, we'll get everything shipped out!

If you have any questions about the process whatsoever, feel free to message me through Kickstarter, or reach out to Team Meltdown through [email protected]. Again, I'm speaking on behalf of the entire creative team when I say THANK YOU for helping this book come to life!

We're funded and onto stretch goals!
7 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 10:50:09 AM

Folks and friends--we're FUNDED! Ahead of our deadline tonight, we've officially crossed our funding threshold. That means we're onto some STRETCH GOALS for everyone who's backed! We've crossed 100 backers since our last update, so we've unlocked a FOURTH character sheet with our BACKER GOALS!

All backers will now receive pre-generated character sheets for Mutants & Masterminds. The sheets will include Nock, Bagface, Epitaph, and Snowday. Should we get 125 backers by tonight, we'll unlock a FIFTH character sheet in Vulcan too!

And since we're funded, I'm going to go ahead and unlock our first AMOUNT GOAL as well. As previously explained, the Amount Goals will be physical rewards, which means only physical backers will get them.

For the first one--one that's already unlocked--we're doing a double sided bookmark! The next Amount Goal will be a PHYSICAL script booklet, sent to ALL PHYSICAL backers and will unlock at $2,500.

The final days!
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 10:01:27 AM

And just like that, we're in the final days of this crowdfunding campaign for the NOCK #1 SPECIAL EDITION! We're still not funded but we're getting exceptionally close. As of this writing, we've raised $1,729 (77%) through you, our backers! That leaves just $521 to get through the next two days--and we think we can do it!

We've also crossed another Backer Goal stretch period given we're up to 85 backers now. Because of that, a Mutants & Masterminds character sheet for the villainous Epitaph has been unlocked. Once funded, backers will now get at least three pre-generated character sheets to use in their next M&M campaign.

If you're looking for some other campaigns to back on Kickstarter, check these ones out from some friends!

Whitaker Knox Books 1-3

"Knox is cursed with the ability to see the final memories of the dead. He's been pulled into a horrific crime scene in a hollowed out apartment that might be alive. It doesn't take long for Knox to discover one of the victims is himself."

George Smith: Paranormal Investigator of the PNW

"In the heart of the mysterious Olympic National Forest, a seemingly ordinary man named George Smith finds his world plunged into chaos when his beloved daughter is inexplicably abducted by paranormal forces. Desperate and determined, George embarks on a perilous journey into the unknown to rescue his daughter.

However, George doesn't face this alone. Hank is a retired Forest Ranger haunted by the disappearance of his own brother in the same woods years ago. Despite the passage of time, the whispers of the forest continue to echo in Hank's ears, urging him to uncover the truth."

Halfway there!
7 months ago – Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 10:06:14 AM

Good news, everybody! We met our goal of getting 50% funded by the end of Sunday, which means we're officially half way there. Now we're on the home stretch with getting the second half funded in just over a week; baby steps forward and we'll be there.

As a part of this update, I wanted to talk stretch goals. We're doing two different tiers with this campaign: Backer Totals and Amount Totals. The stretch goals or unlocks in the Backer Totals column will be entirely digital rewards while those in the amount totals will either be physical rewards or upgrades to the physical product. Today, we're looking at the Backer Total stretch goals.

I've recently been getting into Mutants & Masterminds. Since it's indie gaming at its finest, the game isn't super accessible with widely available, pre-generated characters sheets. As such,  I wanted to make some featuring the characters of the RiotVerse; and what better to start than with the Nock campaign right here?

Now that we've gauged the pace of our funding and amount of backers, we'll be unlocking a new character sheet every 25 backers. Since we're ate 65 backers as of this update, that means two character sheets are already unlocked: Nock and Bagface!

"What is a character sheet?," is a question you may be asking. In short, it's the biggest thing you need to get into tabletop roleplaying. Outside of the character sheet, all you really need to play Mutants & Masterminds is a gamemaster, a pencil and notepad to take notes, and arguably the best part of it all: just a single D20 dice.

Here's a sample of the sheet I'm currently building for Legend so you can see how the Nock ones will look. There's more work to be had on it since half of it is just placeholder text, but you get the gist of it, at least.